- Recognition at the event
- One team in the Spelling Bee
- Verbal recognition from stage during the event
- Special acknowledgement at annual student recognition event
- Company logo on READ website for six months
- Lifeline Package
Table Sponsor - $250
- Recognition at the event
- One team in the Spelling Bee
- Company logo on READ website for three months
Be a special event sponsor and present your logo here and on our donors page!
Be a special event sponsor and present your logo here and on our donors page!
Lifeline Package
Use your phone (only in rounds 1 and 2).
Double your points on one word.
Consult an audience member. (This person may NOT use their phone.)
NOTES about Lifelines --
Each Lifeline may only be used one time during the entire Spelling Bee.
Before using a Lifeline, the team captain must alert their READ
representative that they would like to do so.